
UMSL 3rdweek Monday

Hi! It's Hitomi S.

This weekend were lots of fun. We went to Gateway Arch, ate lunch at Spaghetii Factory, and enjoyed Sixfrags. But today, we had to go back to the real world. We had two classes in the morning as usual, (Small change is that the our assistance Christian do the class instead of Jessica today) and ate lunch at cafeteria. As the school starts from today, there are many many students in the collage!!
After lunch, we had our second field trip. We visited "Bigriver" the shoe company, "Dyepro" the company which sells carpet dying for car, and "Batter Up!" the cookie company.
And we are given the homework preparing for the presentation about these company though we have to finish our business plan. What a lot of home work!!

1 件のコメント:

takosak さんのコメント...

Hello Hitomi-san,

It looks like you have been doing a lot of things in St. Louis. You will have only a few days before you come back to Japan. Enjoy the rest of the program.

Takashi Kosaka